2015 Opposition to Expanding Antoine Drive

In November 2015, The City of Houston resumed discussion about expanding Antoine Drive near Hwy 290. A neighbor informed me that they have been opposing this expansion for decades. They shared studies with the Civic Association that documents how in other residential areas of Houston where roads were expanded from 4 to 6 lanes, the surrounding neighborhoods suffered.

Below are notes I shared with my community.

Nov 8, 2015

I have heard from a neighbor that the expansion of Antoine is being discussed again. They asked I share their information from a recent meeting held at the Near Northwest Management District: http://rwce.blogspot.com/…/update-on-expansion-of…

From my understanding, the funding is in place for the northern portion (Bridge Forest to Victory), but not the southern one (Victory to 290). 

What I have heard previously is that areas that expand from 4 lanes to 6 experience a degradation of home values and standard of living. While personally, I would welcome general improvement of the road ways and safer bike lanes, I don’t think we want Antoine expanded to six lanes.

Comment period is open through the end of November.

Nov 18, 2015

This is a reminder to please join your Super Neighborhood Council meeting tonight, Nov. 18, at 6:30pm in the Candlelight Community Center.

Items for discussion include:

  • A recent Public Works & Engineering Rebuild Houston presentation that showed portions of Antoine being widened to six lanes — despite recommendations from the City’s NW Mobility Study and SN 12 civic associations;
  • Efforts to address drainage, detention and flooding issues by updating the City’s Infrastructure Design Manual;
  • Super Neighborhood Alliance updates on other city issues;
  • News and issues from your neighborhoods.

Please joins us tonight and share neighborhood concerns, events and other matters at the November 2015 SN 12 Council meeting.

Note, normally our meetings are slated for the fourth Wednesday of every other month but we moved November’s meeting up to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday next week.

Nov 30, 2015

Last day for comments on the widening of Antoine.


Though the southern portion of the project is only in the planning stage and unfunded at this time, speaking out now against any widening of this street is important. If you disagree with the expansion of Antoine, please consider submitting comments against this proposal. 

Comments can be sent to Carol Haddock, Public Works and Engineering at the City of Houston atpweplanning@houstontx.gov. Below is a sample letter along with some points to consider when writing comments:

Dear Ms. Haddock,

My name is ____________ and I live in _______________(neighborhood). I am against the widening of Antoine drive from Highway 290 to Tidwell from four to six lanes for motorists because the expansion will be detrimental to surrounding neighborhoods. Widening the road will not alleviate traffic or ease congestion. It will only create more problems for this residential corridor. We want a safe, pedestrian-friendly street where residents and all modes of transportation, not just cars, are considered. 


(Name and Address)



Antoine Drive is a residential corridor with a school and homes lining each side of the street. Widening the street from four to six lanes for motorists will create an unsafe environment for homeowners whose driveways empty out onto the corridor, neighbors who walk along the street, and students who cross the street to get to and from Scarborough High School. 

There are already problems with motorists traveling at high speeds on Antoine. Adding additional lanes of traffic will only turn this residential corridor into a highway of motorists. This will create an unsafe street and an unsafe environment for those who live in the area.

For decades, there have been numerous attempts to widen Antoine to alleviate traffic congestion; all have been met with strong resistance from people who live in this area.  It is disappointing that this plan is again being considered when there has already been so much opposition expressed in the past.

Under the current plans for the north end of Antoine, reconstruction was kept to four lanes. We ask that the same be considered for the southern end as well and that there be consistency between the two projects.

Numerous urban transportation studies show that widening streets do not relieve congestion and can actually increase congestion over time.

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